Lily Hufiec Harcerzy na Podbeskidziu im. Armii Krajowej

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Giving Circle - Innovative Philanthropic Initiative Support for ZHR Podbeskidzie

Since 2010, the parents of ZHR scouts were planning to start some form of support for the very valuable, in their opinion, activities undertaken by the organization. Initially it was thought of the creation of an association or foundation, but the idea did not come to fruition. Therefore resorted to the popular in the United States idea of "Giving Circles".

The main principles of the ZHR Giving Circle:

  1. It is an informal group of people who recognize the value of charity and wants to financially support the selected shared goal.
  2. All the rules of the Circle have been defined by its members.
  3. Each member of the Circle has the opportunity to personally meet the needs / weaknesses of the organization and decide on the disbursement of the collected amount.
  4. The optimal duration of the involvement of a member of the Circle is 2 years; number of meetings of the Circle - 2-3 per year.
  5. The contributed amount: any amount in accordance with the possibilities.
  6. Place to gather the funds: ZHR bank account.
  7. The method of transfer of funds - eg. annually or according to the agreed date.


In February 2013 there was the first meeting of the Giving Circle. In the first edition, the Giving Circle collected 6220 PLN. Descriptions of ideas and planned activities were received from 7 scouts groups. The funds were distributed as in April 2013 for the following activities: renovation of the scout’s storage; first aid course for the scouts team; support for the Girl Scouts camp; Girl Scouts tournament; project "Tatry"; purchase of the campsite equipment.

In the second edition (2014), the Giving Circle collected 10400 PLN. Scouts submitted 12 projects for an amount of 19 267,24 PLN. Support was granted to the following initiatives: equipment and clothes for the Warsaw Uprising reconstruction group of scouts; transportation of 45 Girl Scouts to ZHR rally in Warsaw; modernization of the scouts base; platform remotely controlled; purchase of musical instruments.

In the third edition (2015) we collected 15,100 PLN. Scouts submitted 11 projects for the amount of 29850 PLN. It was financed: Polish chivalrous tradition project, a scholarship program, YouTube scout channel, scouts electronic workshop, kayak expedition, training for marching orchestra, certified training in first aid, Creative Scouts Artistic Circle.

In the fourth edition (2016) we collected 15750 PLN. The circle financed: a trip to Bukovina; scouts electronic workshop; sailing expedition; bicycle tour; maintenance of the scout base; strategic planning workshop; purchase of two-way radios. In addition, the representation of scouts visited the European Parliament in Brussels.

Article in "Gość Niedzielny" about the Giving Circle:

The scouting movement have always been supported not only by parents, but also by noble, good-willing people who wanted to help scouts not only with their knowledge and experience, but also wealth. Therefore we are open to welcome new members or even one-time donors. If You are willing to support our movement we invite you to send us an email: or donate via PayPal.

Związek Harcerstwa Rzeczypospolitej
ul. Reymonta 5, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała
e-mail:, www:

Bank Spółdzielczy: 34 8876 0009 0034 9011 2000 0006  with a note:
„Darowizna -  Krąg Dobroczynności” (Donation - Giving Circle)